Energy Analysis

In order to start evaluating your energy consumption, we have created a spreadsheet to help you organize your electrical loads.  Please download the spreadsheet below.  Once you have saved it, open it, and start adding the quantity and daily run times for the loads you have at your residence.  If you don’t have a particular load, leave the quantity blank, and it will not factor in.  If you only use the vacuum for 1 hour, 2 days a week, put =2/7 in the “Daily Time In Use” column.  Once it is complete, you can submit it with the form below, or send it into us at

If you are looking for a Grid Tied Renewable Energy System, and you have had utility service over the past 12 months, you can download a copy of your last 12 months’ electrical kWh usage from your utility. If you save this as one file, you can upload that file with the form below, in place of the completed spreadsheet. Either your Phone or your Email are Required for us to get back to you.

Electrical Load Calculating Spreadsheet

Your Phone or your Email are Required for us to get back to you.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Upload your Electrical Load Calculating Spreadsheet, or your last 12 months usage from your utility, here.